Hey Guys

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    Hey everyone.  It has been a long time.  I am just stopping in to say that I have recently started playing GW2 again.  I took a break when everyone did really, and life has just got in the way ever since.  Anyways, it doesn’t seem like a ton has changed, but it is fun again running around.  I was wondering if any of the old crew still gets on?  I guess I was moved to the Bees alt clan.  If you guys are still active, it would be awesome to get an invite.  Boulder, you still around?



    Much has changed since you’ve left, Riot is kinda on hiatus… some of us still play a bit and do some roaming/tPVP. Boulder sorta resigned from the guild, you can catch him on steam but he’s done with GW2 pretty much. As far as the old guys go, Koshe, Habs, etc, most of them aren’t around anymore.

    You can add me ingame and I’m totally down to play with you some more, Wellington.9807 if we aren’t friends.

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